மீடியாவிக்கி:Gadget-twinkleblock.js: திருத்தங்களுக்கு இடையிலான வேறுபாடு

உள்ளடக்கம் நீக்கப்பட்டது உள்ளடக்கம் சேர்க்கப்பட்டது
"//<nowiki> (function($){ var api = new mw.Api(), relevantUserNa..."-இப்பெயரில் புதிய பக்கம் உருவாக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது
Shanmugamp7 (பேச்சு | பங்களிப்புகள்)
update from enwiki
வரிசை 1:
// <nowiki>
(function($) {
var api = new mw.Api(), relevantUserName;
var menuFormattedNamespaces = $.extend({}, mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces'));
menuFormattedNamespaces[0] = '(Article)';
வரி 11 ⟶ 13:
* Mode of invocation: Tab ("Block")
* Active on: anyAny page with relevant user name (userspace, contribs, etc.)
* Config directives in: [soon to be TwinkleConfig]
Twinkle.block = function twinkleblock() {
// should show on Contributions or Block pages, anywhere there's a relevant user
if ( Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')userIsSysop && mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') ) {
Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.block.callback, 'Block', 'tw-block', 'Block relevant user' );
Twinkle.block.callback = function twinkleblockCallback() {
if( (mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') === mw.config.get('wgUserName') &&
!confirm( 'You are about to block yourself! Are you sure you want to proceed?' ) ) {
var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow( 650, 530 );
// need to be verbose about who we're blocking
Window.setTitle( 'Block or issue block template to ' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') );
Window.setScriptName( 'Twinkle' );
Window.addFooterLink( 'Block templates', 'Template:Uw-block/doc/Block_templates' );
Window.addFooterLink( 'Block policy', 'WP:BLOCK' );
Window.addFooterLink( 'Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#block' );
Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo = undefined;
வரி 40 ⟶ 33:
Twinkle.block.field_template_options = {};
var formWindow = new Morebits.quickFormsimpleWindow(650, Twinkle.block.callback.evaluate 530);
// need to be verbose about who we're blocking
var actionfield = form.append( {
Window.setTitle('Block or issue block template to ' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'));
type: 'field',
label: 'Type of action'
Window.addFooterLink('Block templates', 'Template:Uw-block/doc/Block_templates');
} );
Window.addFooterLink('Block policy', 'WP:BLOCK');
Window.addFooterLink('Block prefs', 'WP:TW/PREF#block');
Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#block');
Window.addFooterLink('Give feedback', 'WT:TW');
var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.block.callback.evaluate);
var actionfield = form.append({
type: 'field',
label: 'Type of action'
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'actiontype',
event: Twinkle.block.callback.change_action,
list: [
label: 'Block user',
value: 'block',
tooltip: 'Block the relevant user with the given options. If partial block is unchecked, this will be a sitewide block.',
checked: true
label: 'AddPartial block template to user talk page',
value: 'templatepartial',
tooltip: 'Enable partial blocks and partial block templates.',
tooltip: 'If the blocking admin forgot to issue a block template, or you have just blocked the user without templating them, you can use this to issue the appropriate template.',
checked: Twinkle.getPref('defaultToPartialBlocks') // Overridden if already blocked
checked: true
label: 'Add block template to user talk page',
value: 'template',
tooltip: 'If the blocking admin forgot to issue a block template, or you have just blocked the user without templating them, you can use this to issue the appropriate template. Check the partial block box for partial block templates.',
checked: true
form.append({ type: 'field', label: 'Preset', name: 'field_preset' });
வரி 69 ⟶ 78:
form.append({ type: 'field', label: 'Block options', name: 'field_block_options' });
form.append( { type: 'submit' } );
var result = form.render();
Window.setContent( result );
result.root = result;
Twinkle.block.fetchUserInfo(function() {
// Toggle initial partial state depending on prior block type,
// clean up preset data (defaults, etc.), done exactly once, must be before Twinkle.block.callback.change_action is called
// will override the defaultToPartialBlocks pref
if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo) {
$(result).find('[name=actiontype][value=partial]').prop('checked', Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo.partial === '');
// clean up preset data (defaults, etc.), done exactly once, must be before Twinkle.block.callback.change_action is called
if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo) {
Window.addFooterLink('Unblock this user', 'Special:Unblock/' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'), true);
// init the controls after user and block info have been fetched
var evt = document.createEvent( 'Event' );
evt.initEvent( 'change', true, true );
result.actiontype[0].dispatchEvent( evt );
Twinkle.block.fetchUserInfo = function twinkleblockFetchUserInfo(fn) {
format: 'json',
வரி 96 ⟶ 113:
lelimit: 1,
bkusers: mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'),
bkprop: 'expiry|reason|flags|restrictions',
ususers: mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'),
usprop: 'groupmemberships',
letitle: 'User:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName')
.then(function(data) {
var blockinfo = data.query.blocks[0],
userinfo = data.query.users[0];
Twinkle.block.isRegistered = !!userinfo.userid;
relevantUserName = if (Twinkle.block.isRegistered ? 'User:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') : mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');{
relevantUserName = 'User:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');
Twinkle.block.userIsBot = !!userinfo.groupmemberships && userinfo.groupmemberships.map(function(e) {
return e.group;
}).indexOf('bot') !== -1;
} else {
relevantUserName = mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');
Twinkle.block.userIsBot = false;
if (blockinfo) {
// handle frustrating system of inverted boolean values
blockinfo.disabletalk = blockinfo.allowusertalk === undefined;
blockinfo.hardblock = blockinfo.anononly === undefined;
Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo = blockinfo;
Twinkle.block.hasBlockLog = !!data.query.logevents.length;
Twinkle.block.blockLog = Twinkle.block.hasBlockLog && data.query.logevents;
// Used later to check if block status changed while filling out the form
Twinkle.block.blockLogId = Twinkle.block.hasBlockLog ? data.query.logevents[0].logid : false;
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
return fn();
}, function(msg) {
}, function(msg) {
Morebits.status.init($('div[name="currentblock"] span').last()[0]);
Morebits.status.warninit($('Errordiv[name="currentblock"] fetching user infospan', msg).last()[0]);
Morebits.status.warn('Error fetching user info', msg);
வரி 125 ⟶ 157:
Twinkle.block[$(fieldset).prop('name')] = {};
$(fieldset).serializeArray().forEach(function(el) {
// namespaces and pages for partial blocks are overwritten
// here, but we're handling them elsewhere so that's fine
Twinkle.block[$(fieldset).prop('name')][el.name] = el.value;
வரி 131 ⟶ 165:
Twinkle.block.callback.change_action = function twinkleblockCallbackChangeAction(e) {
var field_preset, field_template_options, field_block_options, $form = $(e.target.form);
// Make ifs shorter
var blockBox = $form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked');
var templateBox = $form.find('[name=actiontype][value=template]').is(':checked');
var partial = $form.find('[name=actiontype][value=partial]');
var partialBox = partial.is(':checked');
var blockGroup = partialBox ? Twinkle.block.blockGroupsPartial : Twinkle.block.blockGroups;
partial.prop('disabled', !blockBox && !templateBox);
// Add current block parameters as default preset
if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo) {
Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo.prior = Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo;
var prior = {
label: 'Prior block',
// value not a valid template selection, chosen below by setting templateName
list: [{ label: 'Prior block settings', value: 'prior', selected: true }]
// Arrays of objects are annoying to check
if (!blockGroup.some(function(bg) {
return bg.label === prior.label;
})) {
// Always ensure proper template exists/is selected when switching modes
if (partialBox) {
Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo.prior.templateName = Morebits.string.isInfinity(Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo.expiry) ? 'uw-pblockindef' : 'uw-pblock';
} else {
if (!Twinkle.block.isRegistered) {
Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo.prior.templateName = 'uw-ablock';
} else {
Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo.prior.templateName = Morebits.string.isInfinity(Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo.expiry) ? 'uw-blockindef' : 'uw-block';
// Can be in preset or template field, so the old one in the template
// field will linger. No need to keep the old value around, so just
// remove it; saves trouble when hiding/evaluating
if (blockBox) {
if ($form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked')) {
field_preset = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'field', label: 'Preset', name: 'field_preset' });
type: 'select',
name: 'preset',
label: 'Choose a preset:',
event: Twinkle.block.callback.change_preset,
list: Twinkle.block.callback.filtered_block_groups(blockGroup)
field_block_options = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'field', label: 'Block options', name: 'field_block_options' });
field_block_options.append({ type: 'div', name: 'hasblocklog', label: ' ' });
field_block_options.append({ type: 'div', name: 'currentblock', label: ' ' });
field_block_options.append({ type: 'div', name: 'hasblocklog', label: ' ' });
type: 'select',
name: 'expiry_preset',
label: 'Expiry:',
event: Twinkle.block.callback.change_expiry,
list: [
{ label: 'custom', value: 'custom', selected: true },
{ label: 'indefinite', value: 'infinity' },
{ label: '3 hours', value: '3 hours' },
{ label: '12 hours', value: '12 hours' },
{ label: '24 hours', value: '24 hours' },
{ label: '31 hours', value: '31 hours' },
{ label: '36 hours', value: '36 hours' },
{ label: '48 hours', value: '48 hours' },
{ label: '60 hours', value: '60 hours' },
{ label: '72 hours', value: '72 hours' },
{ label: '1 week', value: '1 week' },
{ label: '2 weeks', value: '2 weeks' },
{ label: '1 month', value: '1 month' },
{ label: '3 months', value: '3 months' },
{ label: '6 months', value: '6 months' },
{ label: '1 year', value: '1 year' },
{ label: '2 years', value: '2 years' },
{ label: '3 years', value: '3 years' }
type: 'input',
name: 'expiry',
label: 'Custom expiry',
tooltip: 'You can use relative times, like "1 minute" or "19 days", or absolute timestamps, "yyyymmddhhmm" (e.g. "200602011405" is Feb 1, 2006, at 14:05 UTC).',
value: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.expiry || Twinkle.block.field_template_options.template_expiry
if (partialBox) { // Partial block
type: 'select',
namemultiple: 'expiry_preset'true,
labelname: 'Expiry:pagerestrictions',
eventlabel: Twinkle.'Specific pages to block.callback.change_expiry from editing',
listvalue: ['',
tooltip: '10 page max.'
{ label: 'custom', value: 'custom', selected: true },
{ label: 'indefinite', value: 'infinity' },
{ label: '3 hours', value: '3 hours' },
{ label: '12 hours', value: '12 hours' },
{ label: '24 hours', value: '24 hours' },
{ label: '31 hours', value: '31 hours' },
{ label: '36 hours', value: '36 hours' },
{ label: '48 hours', value: '48 hours' },
{ label: '60 hours', value: '60 hours' },
{ label: '72 hours', value: '72 hours' },
{ label: '1 week', value: '1 week' },
{ label: '2 weeks', value: '2 weeks' },
{ label: '1 month', value: '1 month' },
{ label: '3 months', value: '3 months' },
{ label: '6 months', value: '6 months' },
{ label: '1 year', value: '1 year' },
{ label: '2 years', value: '2 years' },
{ label: '3 years', value: '3 years' }
var ns = field_block_options.append({
type: 'inputselect',
namemultiple: 'expiry'true,
labelname: 'Custom expirynamespacerestrictions',
label: 'Namespace blocks',
tooltip: 'You can use relative times, like "1 minute" or "19 days", or absolute timestamps, "yyyymmddhhmm" (e.g. "200602011405" is Feb 1, 2006, at 14:05 UTC).',
value: '',
value: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.expiry || Twinkle.block.field_template_options.template_expiry
tooltip: 'Block from editing these namespaces.'
var blockoptions = [
$.each(menuFormattedNamespaces, function(number, name) {
// Ignore -1: Special; -2: Media; and 2300-2303: Gadget (talk) and Gadget definition (talk)
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.nocreate,
if (number >= 0 && number < 830) {
label: 'Block account creation',
ns.append({ type: 'option', label: name, value: number });
name: 'nocreate',
value: '1'
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.noemail,
label: 'Block user from sending email',
name: 'noemail',
value: '1'
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.disabletalk,
label: 'Prevent this user from editing their own talk page while blocked',
name: 'disabletalk',
value: '1'
var blockoptions = [
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.nocreate,
label: 'Block account creation',
name: 'nocreate',
value: '1'
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.noemail,
label: 'Block user from sending email',
name: 'noemail',
value: '1'
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.disabletalk,
label: 'Prevent this user from editing their own talk page while blocked',
name: 'disabletalk',
value: '1',
tooltip: partialBox ? 'If issuing a partial block, this MUST remain unchecked unless you are also preventing them from editing User talk space' : ''
if (Twinkle.block.isRegistered) {
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.autoblock,
label: 'Autoblock any IP addresses used (hardblock)',
name: 'autoblock',
value: '1'
} else {
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.hardblock,
label: 'PreventBlock logged-in users from editing fromusing this IP address (hardblock)',
name: 'hardblock',
value: '1'
checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.watchuser,
label: 'Watch user and user talk pages',
name: 'watchuser',
value: '1'
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'blockoptions',
list: blockoptions
type: 'textarea',
label: 'Reason (for block log):',
name: 'reason',
tooltip: 'Consider adding helpful details to the default message.',
value: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.reason
value: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.reason
type: 'div',
name: 'filerlog_label',
label: 'See also:',
style: 'display:inline-block;font-style:normal !important',
tooltip: 'Insert a "see also" message to indicate whether the filter log or deleted contributions played a role in the decision to block.'
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'filter_see_also',
event: Twinkle.block.callback.toggle_see_alsos,
style: 'display:inline-block; margin-right:5px',
list: [
label: 'Filter log',
checked: false,
value: 'filter log'
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'deleted_see_also',
event: Twinkle.block.callback.toggle_see_alsos,
style: 'display:inline-block',
list: [
label: 'Deleted contribs',
checked: false,
value: 'deleted contribs'
if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo) {
field_block_options.append( { type: 'hidden', name: 'reblock', value: '1' } );
// DS selection visible in either the template field set or preset,
if ($form.find('[name=actiontype][value=template]').is(':checked')) {
// joint settings saved here
var dsSelectSettings = {
type: 'select',
name: 'dstopic',
label: 'DS topic',
value: '',
tooltip: 'If selected, it will inform the template and may be added to the blocking message',
event: Twinkle.block.callback.toggle_ds_reason,
list: $.map(Twinkle.block.dsinfo, function(info, label) {
return {label: label, value: info.code};
if (templateBox) {
field_template_options = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'field', label: 'Template options', name: 'field_template_options' });
field_template_options.append( {
type: 'select',
name: 'template',
label: 'Choose talk page template:',
event: Twinkle.block.callback.change_template,
list: Twinkle.block.callback.filtered_block_groups(blockGroup, true),
value: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.template
} );
field_template_options.append( {
// Only visible for aeblock and aepblock, toggled in change_template
type: 'input',
name: 'article',
display: 'none',
label: 'Linked article',
valuetype: 'input',
name: 'article',
tooltip: 'An article can be linked within the notice, perhaps if it was the primary target of disruption. Leave empty for no article to be linked.'
label: 'Linked page',
} );
value: '',
if (!$form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked')) {
tooltip: 'A page can be linked within the notice, perhaps if it was the primary target of disruption. Leave empty for no page to be linked.'
field_template_options.append( {
// Only visible if partial and not blocking
type: 'input',
name: 'area',
label: 'Area blocked from',
value: '',
tooltip: 'Optional explanation of the pages or namespaces the user was blocked from editing.'
if (!blockBox) {
type: 'input',
name: 'template_expiry',
display: 'none',
label: 'Period of blocking: ',
value: '',
tooltip: 'The period the blocking is due for, for example 24 hours, 2 weeks, indefinite etc...'
} );
field_template_options.append( {
type: 'input',
name: 'block_reason',
label: '"You have been blocked for ..." ',
display: 'none',
tooltip: 'An optional reason, to replace the default generic reason. Only available for the generic block templates.',
value: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.block_reason
} );
if (blockBox) {
if ($form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked')) {
field_template_options.append( {
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'blank_duration',
வரி 287 ⟶ 447:
label: 'Do not include expiry in template',
checked: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.blank_duration,
tooltip: 'Instead of including the duration, make the block template read \"You have been blocked from editing temporarily for...\"'
} );
} else {
field_template_options.append( {
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'notalk',
list: [
label: 'Talk page access disabled',
name: 'notalk',
checked: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.notalk,
tooltip: 'Use this to makeMake the block template state that the user\'s talk page access has been removed'
label: 'User blocked from sending email',
name: 'noemail_template',
checked: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.noemail_template,
tooltip: 'If the area is not provided, make the block template state that the user\'s email access has been removed'
label: 'User blocked from creating accounts',
name: 'nocreate_template',
checked: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.nocreate_template,
tooltip: 'If the area is not provided, make the block template state that the user\'s ability to create accounts has been removed'
} );
var $previewlink = $( '<a id="twinkleblock-preivewpreview-link">Preview</a>' );
$previewlink.off('click').on('click', function() {
$previewlink.css({cursor: 'pointer'});
field_template_options.append( { type: 'div', id: 'blockpreview', label: [ $previewlink[0] ] } );
field_template_options.append( { type: 'div', id: 'twinkleblock-previewbox', style: 'display: none' } );
} else if (field_preset) {
// Only visible for aeblock and aepblock, toggled in change_template
வரி 324 ⟶ 499:
oldfield = $form.find('fieldset[name="field_block_options"]')[0];
oldfield.parentNode.replaceChild(field_block_options.render(), oldfield);
width: '100%',
placeholder: 'Select pages to block user from',
language: {
errorLoading: function() {
return 'Incomplete or invalid search term';
maximumSelectionLength: 10, // Software limitation [[phab:T202776]]
minimumInputLength: 1, // prevent ajax call when empty
ajax: {
url: mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
dataType: 'json',
delay: 100,
data: function(params) {
var title = mw.Title.newFromText(params.term);
if (!title) {
return {
action: 'query',
format: 'json',
list: 'allpages',
apfrom: title.title,
apnamespace: title.namespace,
aplimit: '10'
processResults: function(data) {
return {
results: data.query.allpages.map(function(page) {
var title = mw.Title.newFromText(page.title, page.ns).toText();
return {
id: title,
text: title
templateSelection: function(choice) {
return $('<a>').text(choice.text).attr({
href: mw.util.getUrl(choice.text),
target: '_blank'
width: '100%',
matcher: Morebits.select2.matchers.wordBeginning,
language: {
searching: Morebits.select2.queryInterceptor
templateResult: Morebits.select2.highlightSearchMatches,
placeholder: 'Select namespaces to block user from'
// Reduce padding
'.select2-results .select2-results__option { padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; }' +
// Adjust font size
'.select2-container .select2-dropdown .select2-results { font-size: 13px; }' +
'.select2-container .selection .select2-selection__rendered { font-size: 13px; }' +
// Remove black border
'.select2-container--default.select2-container--focus .select2-selection--multiple { border: 1px solid #aaa; }' +
// Make the tiny cross larger
'.select2-selection__choice__remove { font-size: 130%; }'
} else {
// Clear select2 options
if (field_template_options) {
oldfield = $form.find('fieldset[name="field_template_options"]')[0];
வரி 333 ⟶ 583:
} else {
if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo) {
Morebits.status.init($('div[name="currentblock"] span').last()[0]);
var statusStr = relevantUserName + ' is ' + (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo.partial === '' ? 'partially blocked' : 'blocked sitewide');
if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo.expiry === 'infinity') {
statusStr += ' (indefinite)';
} else if (new Morebits.date(Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo.expiry).isValid()) {
statusStr += ' (expires ' + new Morebits.date(Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo.expiry).calendar('utc') + ')';
var infoStr = 'This form will change that block';
if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo.partial === undefined && partialBox) {
infoStr += ', converting it to a partial block';
} else if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo.partial === '' && !partialBox) {
infoStr += ', converting it to a sitewide block';
infoStr += '.';
Morebits.status.warn(statusStr, infoStr);
// Default to the current block conditions on intial form generation
Twinkle.block.callback.update_form(e, Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo);
if (Twinkle.block.hasBlockLog) {
var $blockloglink = $( '<span>').append($('<a target="_blank" href="' + mw.util.getUrl('Special:Log', {action: 'view', page: mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'), type: 'block'}) + '">block log</a>)' ));
if (!Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo) {
var lastBlockAction = Twinkle.block.blockLog[0];
if (lastBlockAction.action === 'unblock') {
$blockloglink.append(' (unblocked ' + new Morebits.date(lastBlockAction.timestamp).calendar('utc') + ')');
} else { // block or reblock
$blockloglink.append(' (expired ' + new Morebits.date(lastBlockAction.params.expiry).calendar('utc') + ')');
Morebits.status.init($('div[name="hasblocklog"] span').last()[0]);
Morebits.status.warn(Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo ? 'Previous blocks' : 'This user has been blocked in the past', $blockloglink[0]);
// Make sure all the fields are correct based on initial defaults
if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo) {
if (blockBox) {
Morebits.status.init($('div[name="currentblock"] span').last()[0]);
Morebits.status.warn(relevantUserName + ' is already blocked', 'Submit query to reblock with supplied options');
} else if (templateBox) {
Twinkle.block.callback.update_form(e, Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo);
} else if ($form.find('[name=actiontype][value=template]').is(':checked')) {
// make sure all the fields are correct based on defaults
if ($form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked')) {
} else {
வரி 364 ⟶ 637:
* autoblock: <autoblock any IP addresses used (for registered users only)>
* disabletalk: <disable user from editing their own talk page while blocked>
* expiry: <string - expiry timestamp, can include relative times like "5 months", "2 weeks" etc, use "infinity" for indefinite>
* forAnonOnly: <show block option in the interface only if the relevant user is an IP>
* forRegisteredOnly: <show block option in the interface only if the relevant user is registered>
வரி 387 ⟶ 660:
Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo = {
'anonblock' : {
expiry: '31 hours',
forAnonOnly: true,
வரி 395 ⟶ 668:
sig: '~~~~'
'anonblock - school' : {
expiry: '36 hours',
forAnonOnly: true,
வரி 404 ⟶ 677:
sig: '~~~~'
'blocked proxy' : {
expiry: '1 year',
forAnonOnly: true,
nocreate: true,
nonstandard: true,
hardblock: true,
reason: '{{blocked proxy}}',
sig: null
'CheckUser block' : {
expiry: '1 week',
forAnonOnly: true,
nocreate: true,
nonstandard: true,
reason: '{{CheckUser block}}',
sig: '~~~~'
'checkuserblock-account' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
nocreate: true,
nonstandard: true,
reason: '{{checkuserblock-account}}',
sig: '~~~~'
'checkuserblock-wide' : {
forAnonOnly: true,
nocreate: true,
nonstandard: true,
reason: '{{checkuserblock-wide}}',
sig: '~~~~'
'colocationwebhost' : {
expiry: '1 year',
forAnonOnly: true,
வரி 434 ⟶ 717:
sig: null
'oversightblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
nocreate: true,
nonstandard: true,
reason: '{{OversightBlock}}',
sig: '~~~~'
'school block' : {
forAnonOnly: true,
nocreate: true,
வரி 445 ⟶ 731:
reason: '{{school block}}',
sig: '~~~~'
'spamblacklistblock': {
forAnonOnly: true,
expiry: '1 month',
disabletalk: true,
nocreate: true,
reason: '{{spamblacklistblock}} <!-- editor only attempts to add blacklisted links, see [[Special:Log/spamblacklist]] -->'
// Placeholder for when we add support for rangeblocks
வரி 454 ⟶ 747:
// sig: '~~~~'
// },
'tor' : {
expiry: '1 year',
forAnonOnly: true,
வரி 461 ⟶ 754:
sig: null
'webhostblock' : {
expiry: '1 year',
forAnonOnly: true,
வரி 469 ⟶ 762:
// uw-prefixed
'uw-3block' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '24 hours',
வரி 477 ⟶ 770:
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for violation of the [[WP:3RR|three-revert rule]]'
'uw-ablock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '31 hours',
வரி 487 ⟶ 780:
suppressArticleInSummary: true
'uw-adblock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
வரி 494 ⟶ 787:
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for [[WP:SOAP|advertising or self-promotion]]'
'uw-aeblock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
வரி 500 ⟶ 793:
reason: '[[WP:Arbitration enforcement|Arbitration enforcement]]',
reasonParam: true,
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for violating an [[WP:Arbitration|arbitration decision]] with your edits'
'uw-bioblock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
வரி 509 ⟶ 802:
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for violations of Wikipedia\'s [[WP:BLP|biographies of living persons policy]]'
'uw-block' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '24 hours',
வரி 519 ⟶ 812:
suppressArticleInSummary: true
'uw-blockindef' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
வரி 529 ⟶ 822:
suppressArticleInSummary: true
'uw-blocknotalk' : {
disabletalk: true,
pageParam: true,
வரி 548 ⟶ 841:
summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] indicates this is a [[WP:BOT|bot]] account, which is currently not approved'
'uw-causeblockbotuhblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
nocreate: true,
reason: '{{uw-botuhblock}} <!-- Username implies a bot, hard block -->',
summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your username is a blatant violation of the [[WP:U|username policy]].'
'uw-causeblock': {
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
வரி 562 ⟶ 863:
summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because it is believed that your [[WP:SECURE|account has been compromised]]'
'uw-copyrightblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '24 hoursinfinity',
nocreate: true,
pageParam: true,
வரி 577 ⟶ 878:
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for continued [[WP:VAND|removal of material]]'
'uw-disruptblock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
வரி 583 ⟶ 884:
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for [[WP:DE|disruptive editing]]'
'uw-efblock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
வரி 589 ⟶ 890:
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for making disruptive edits that repeatedly triggered the [[WP:EF|edit filter]]'
'uw-ewblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '24 hours',
வரி 597 ⟶ 898:
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing to prevent further [[WP:DE|disruption]] caused by your engagement in an [[WP:EW|edit war]]'
'uw-hblock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
வரி 604 ⟶ 905:
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for attempting to [[WP:HARASS|harass]] other users'
'uw-ipevadeblock' : {
forAnonOnly: true,
nocreate: true,
வரி 610 ⟶ 911:
summary: 'Your IP address has been blocked from editing because it has been used to [[WP:EVADE|evade a previous block]]'
'uw-lblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
வரி 617 ⟶ 918:
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for making [[WP:NLT|legal threats or taking legal action]]'
'uw-memorialblocknothereblock': {
forRegisteredOnly: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
reason: '{{uw-memorialblock}} <!-- Username indicates tribute to someone, soft block -->',
summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] indicates this account may be used as a memorial or tribute to someone'
'uw-myblock': {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
pageParam: true,
reason: 'Using Wikipedia as a [[WP:NOTMYSPACE|blog, web host, social networking site or forum]]',
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for using user and/or article pages as a [[WP:NOTMYSPACE|blog, web host, social networking site or forum]]'
'uw-nothereblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
nocreate: true,
reason: 'Clearly [[WP:NOTHERE|not here to contributebuild to thean encyclopedia]]',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because it appears that you are not here to [[WP:NOTHERE|build an encyclopedia]]'
'uw-npblock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
வரி 645 ⟶ 933:
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for creating [[WP:PN|nonsense pages]]'
'uw-pablock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '31 hours',
வரி 652 ⟶ 940:
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for making [[WP:NPA|personal attacks]] toward other users'
'uw-sblock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
வரி 658 ⟶ 946:
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for using Wikipedia for [[WP:SPAM|spam]] purposes'
'uw-soablock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
வரி 667 ⟶ 955:
summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your account is being used only for [[WP:SPAM|spam, advertising, or promotion]]'
'uw-sockblocksocialmediablock' : {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: true,
pageParam: true,
reason: 'Using Wikipedia as a [[WP:NOTMYSPACE|blog, web host, social networking site or forum]]',
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for using user and/or article pages as a [[WP:NOTMYSPACE|blog, web host, social networking site or forum]]'
'uw-sockblock': {
autoblock: true,
forRegisteredOnly: true,
வரி 674 ⟶ 969:
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for abusing [[WP:SOCK|multiple accounts]]'
'uw-softerblock' : {
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
வரி 680 ⟶ 975:
summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] gives the impression that the account represents a group, organization or website'
'uw-spamublock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
வரி 688 ⟶ 983:
summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your account is being used only for [[WP:SPAM|spam or advertising]] and your username is a violation of the [[WP:U|username policy]]'
'uw-spoablock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
வரி 696 ⟶ 991:
summary: 'This account has been blocked as a [[WP:SOCK|sock puppet]] created to violate Wikipedia policy'
'uw-talkrevoked' : {
disabletalk: true,
reason: 'Revoking talk page access: inappropriate use of user talk page while blocked',
வரி 703 ⟶ 998:
useInitialOptions: true
'uw-ublock' : {
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
வரி 716 ⟶ 1,011:
summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] is too similar to the username of another Wikipedia user'
'uw-uhblockucblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '31 hours',
nocreate: true,
pageParam: true,
reason: 'Persistent addition of [[WP:INTREF|unsourced content]]',
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for persistent addition of [[WP:INTREF|unsourced content]]'
'uw-uhblock': {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
வரி 725 ⟶ 1,028:
summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your username is a blatant violation of the [[WP:U|username policy]]'
'uw-ublock-famouswellknown' : {
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
reason: '{{uw-ublock-famouswellknown}} <!-- Username represents a famouswell-known person, soft block -->',
summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] matches the name of a well-known living individual'
வரி 739 ⟶ 1,042:
summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] appears to impersonate another established Wikipedia user'
'uw-vaublockupeblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
nocreate: true,
pageParam: true,
reason: '[[WP:PAID|Undisclosed paid editing]] in violation of the WMF [[WP:TOU|Terms of Use]]',
summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your account is being used in violation of [[WP:PAID|Wikipedia policy on undisclosed paid advocacy]]'
'uw-vaublock': {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
வரி 748 ⟶ 1,060:
summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your account is being [[WP:VOA|used only for vandalism]] and your username is a blatant violation of the [[WP:U|username policy]]'
'uw-vblock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '31 hours',
வரி 754 ⟶ 1,066:
pageParam: true,
reason: '[[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism]]',
summary: 'You have been blocked from editing forto persistentprevent further [[WP:VAND|vandalism]]'
'uw-voablock' : {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
வரி 764 ⟶ 1,076:
reason: '[[WP:Vandalism-only account|Vandalism-only account]]',
summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your account is being [[WP:VOA|used only for vandalism]]'
'zombie proxy': {
expiry: '1 month',
forAnonOnly: true,
nocreate: true,
nonstandard: true,
reason: '{{zombie proxy}}',
sig: null
// Begin partial block templates, accessed in Twinkle.block.blockGroupsPartial
'uw-acpblock': {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '48 hours',
nocreate: true,
pageParam: false,
reasonParam: true,
reason: 'Misusing [[WP:Sock puppetry|multiple accounts]]',
summary: 'You have been [[WP:PB|blocked from creating accounts]] for misusing [[WP:SOCK|multiple accounts]]'
'uw-acpblockindef': {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
nocreate: true,
pageParam: false,
reasonParam: true,
reason: 'Misusing [[WP:Sock puppetry|multiple accounts]]',
summary: 'You have been indefinitely [[WP:PB|blocked from creating accounts]] for misusing [[WP:SOCK|multiple accounts]]'
'uw-aepblock': {
autoblock: true,
nocreate: false,
pageParam: false,
reason: '[[WP:Arbitration enforcement|Arbitration enforcement]]',
reasonParam: true,
summary: 'You have been [[WP:PB|partially blocked]] from editing for violating an [[WP:Arbitration|arbitration decision]]'
'uw-epblock': {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
nocreate: false,
noemail: true,
pageParam: false,
reasonParam: true,
reason: 'Email [[WP:Harassment|harassment]]',
summary: 'You have been [[WP:PB|blocked from emailing]] other editors for [[WP:Harassment|harassment]]'
'uw-ewpblock': {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '24 hours',
nocreate: false,
pageParam: false,
reasonParam: true,
reason: '[[WP:Edit warring|Edit warring]]',
summary: 'You have been [[WP:PB|partially blocked]] from editing certain areas of the encyclopedia to prevent further [[WP:DE|disruption]] due to [[WP:EW|edit warring]]'
'uw-pblock': {
autoblock: true,
expiry: '24 hours',
nocreate: false,
pageParam: false,
reasonParam: true,
summary: 'You have been [[WP:PB|partially blocked]] from certain areas of the encyclopedia'
'uw-pblockindef': {
autoblock: true,
expiry: 'infinity',
forRegisteredOnly: true,
nocreate: false,
pageParam: false,
reasonParam: true,
summary: 'You have been indefinitely [[WP:PB|partially blocked]] from certain areas of the encyclopedia'
// Codes and links for Discretionary Sanctions, see [[Template:Ds/topics]]
// Used for uw-ae(p)block
Twinkle.block.dsinfo = {
'': {
code: ''
'Abortion': {
code: 'ab',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Abortion'
'American politics post-1992': {
code: 'ap',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/American politics 2'
'Ancient Egyptian race controversy': {
code: 'aerc',
page: 'Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Ancient Egyptian race controversy'
'Arab-Israeli conflict': {
code: 'a-i',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Index/Palestine-Israel articles'
'Armenia, Azerbaijan, or related conflicts': {
code: 'a-a',
page: 'Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Armenia-Azerbaijan 2'
'Biographies of Living Persons (BLPs)': {
code: 'blp',
page: 'Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Editing of Biographies of Living Persons'
'Climate change': {
code: 'cc',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Climate change'
'Complementary and alternative medicine': {
code: 'com',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Acupuncture'
'Eastern Europe or the Balkans': {
code: 'e-e',
page: 'Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Eastern Europe'
'Electronic cigarettes': {
code: 'ecig',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Editor conduct in e-cigs articles'
'Falun Gong': {
code: 'fg',
page: 'Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Falun Gong'
'GamerGate or any gender-related dispute or controversy': {
code: 'gg',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/GamerGate'
'Genetically modified organisms (GMO)': {
code: 'gmo',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Genetically modified organisms'
'Gun control': {
code: 'gc',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Gun control'
'Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti)': {
code: 'horn',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Horn of Africa'
'India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan': {
code: 'ipa',
page: 'Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/India-Pakistan'
'Infoboxes': {
code: 'cid',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Civility in infobox discussions'
'Landmark Worldwide': {
code: 'lw',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Landmark Worldwide'
'Liancourt Rocks': {
code: 'lr',
page: 'Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Liancourt Rocks'
'Manual of Style and article titles': {
code: 'mos',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Article titles and capitalisation'
'Muhammad': {
code: 'muh-im',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Muhammad images'
'Pharmaceutical drug prices (medicine)': {
code: 'med',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Medicine'
'Prem Rawat': {
code: 'pr',
page: 'Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Prem Rawat'
'Pseudoscience and fringe science': {
code: 'ps',
page: 'Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Pseudoscience'
'Race/ethnicity and human abilities, behaviour, and intelligence': {
code: 'r-i',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Race and intelligence'
'Scientology': {
code: 'sci',
page: 'Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Scientology'
'Senkaku Islands dispute': {
code: 'sen',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Senkaku Islands'
'September 11 attacks': {
code: '9/11',
page: 'Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/September 11 conspiracy theories'
'Shakespeare authorship question': {
code: 'saq',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Shakespeare authorship question'
'Transcendental Meditation movement': {
code: 'tm',
page: 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Transcendental Meditation movement'
'The Troubles': {
code: 'tt',
page: 'Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/The Troubles'
'Waldorf education': {
code: 'we',
page: 'Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Waldorf education'
வரி 772 ⟶ 1,294:
settings.summary = settings.summary || settings.reason;
settings.sig = settings.sig !== undefined ? settings.sig : 'yes';
settings.indefinite = settings.indefinite || Morebits.string.isInfinity(settings.expiry);
// despite this it's preferred that you use 'infinity' as the value for expiry
settings.indefinite = settings.indefinite || settings.expiry === 'infinity' || settings.expiry === 'indefinite' || settings.expiry === 'never';
if (!Twinkle.block.isRegistered && settings.indefinite) {
வரி 796 ⟶ 1,317:
{ label: 'school block', value: 'school block' },
{ label: 'Generic block (custom reason)', value: 'uw-block' }, // ends up being default for registered users
{ label: 'Generic block (custom reason) - IP', value: 'uw-ablock', selected: true }, // set only when blocking IP
{ label: 'Generic block (custom reason) - indefinite', value: 'uw-blockindef' },
{ label: 'Disruptive editing', value: 'uw-disruptblock' },
{ label: 'Inappropriate use of user talk page while blocked', value: 'uw-talkrevoked' },
{ label: 'Not here to contributebuild to thean encyclopedia', value: 'uw-nothereblock' },
{ label: 'Unsourced content', value: 'uw-ucblock' },
{ label: 'Vandalism', value: 'uw-vblock' },
{ label: 'Vandalism-only account', value: 'uw-voablock' }
வரி 810 ⟶ 1,332:
{ label: 'Advertising', value: 'uw-adblock' },
{ label: 'Arbitration enforcement', value: 'uw-aeblock' },
{ label: 'Block evasion - IP', value: 'uw-ipevadeblock' },
{ label: 'BLP violations', value: 'uw-bioblock' },
{ label: 'Copyright violations', value: 'uw-copyrightblock' },
{ label: 'Creating inappropriatenonsense pages', value: 'uw-npblock' },
{ label: 'Edit filter-related', value: 'uw-efblock' },
{ label: 'Edit warring', value: 'uw-ewblock' },
வரி 824 ⟶ 1,346:
{ label: 'Sock puppetry (master)', value: 'uw-sockblock' },
{ label: 'Sock puppetry (puppet)', value: 'uw-spoablock' },
{ label: 'Social networking', value: 'uw-myblocksocialmediablock' },
{ label: 'Spam', value: 'uw-sblock' },
{ label: 'Spam/advertising-only account', value: 'uw-soablock' },
{ label: 'Unapproved bot', value: 'uw-botblock' },
{ label: 'Undisclosed paid editing', value: 'uw-upeblock' },
{ label: 'Violating the three-revert rule', value: 'uw-3block' }
வரி 834 ⟶ 1,357:
label: 'Username violations',
list: [
{ label: 'Bot username, soft block', value: 'uw-botublock' },
{ label: 'MemorialBot username, softhard block', value: 'uw-memorialblockbotuhblock' },
{ label: 'Promotional username, hard block', value: 'uw-spamublock' },
{ label: 'Promotional username, soft block', value: 'uw-softerblock' },
வரி 842 ⟶ 1,365:
{ label: 'Username violation, hard block', value: 'uw-uhblock' },
{ label: 'Username impersonation hard block', value: 'uw-uhblock-double' },
{ label: 'Username represents a famouswell-known person, soft block', value: 'uw-ublock-famouswellknown' },
{ label: 'Username represents a non-profit, soft block', value: 'uw-causeblock' },
{ label: 'Username violation, vandalism-only account', value: 'uw-vaublock' }
வரி 851 ⟶ 1,374:
list: [
{ label: 'blocked proxy', value: 'blocked proxy' },
{ label: 'CheckUser block', value: 'CheckUser block', disabled: !Morebits.userIsInGroup('checkuser') },
{ label: 'checkuserblock-account', value: 'checkuserblock-account', disabled: !Morebits.userIsInGroup('checkuser') },
{ label: 'checkuserblock-wide', value: 'checkuserblock-wide', disabled: !Morebits.userIsInGroup('checkuser') },
{ label: 'colocationwebhost', value: 'colocationwebhost' },
{ label: 'oversightblock', value: 'oversightblock', disabled: !Morebits.userIsInGroup('oversight') },
// { label: 'rangeblock', value: 'rangeblock' }, // placeholder for when we add support for rangeblocks
{ label: 'spamblacklistblock', value: 'spamblacklistblock' },
{ label: 'tor', value: 'tor' },
{ label: 'webhostblock', value: 'webhostblock' },
{ label: 'zombie proxy', value: 'zombie proxy' }
Twinkle.block.blockGroupsPartial = [
Twinkle.block.callback.filtered_block_groups = function twinkleblockCallbackFilteredBlockGroups(show_template) {
return $.map(Twinkle.block.blockGroups, function(blockGroup) {
label: 'Common partial block reasons',
list: [
{ label: 'Generic partial block (custom reason)', value: 'uw-pblock', selected: true },
{ label: 'Generic partial block (custom reason) - indefinite', value: 'uw-pblockindef' },
{ label: 'Edit warring', value: 'uw-ewpblock' }
label: 'Extended partial block reasons',
list: [
{ label: 'Arbitration enforcement', value: 'uw-aepblock' },
{ label: 'Email harassment', value: 'uw-epblock' },
{ label: 'Misusing multiple accounts', value: 'uw-acpblock' },
{ label: 'Misusing multiple accounts - indefinite', value: 'uw-acpblockindef' }
Twinkle.block.callback.filtered_block_groups = function twinkleblockCallbackFilteredBlockGroups(group, show_template) {
return $.map(group, function(blockGroup) {
var list = $.map(blockGroup.list, function(blockPreset) {
// only show uw-talkrevoked if reblocking
if (!Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo && blockPreset.value === "'uw-talkrevoked"') {
var blockSettings = Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[blockPreset.value];
var registrationRestrict = blockSettings.forRegisteredOnly ? Twinkle.block.isRegistered : (blockSettings.forAnonOnly ? !Twinkle.block.isRegistered : true);
if (!(blockSettings.templateName && show_template) && registrationRestrict) {
var templateName = blockSettings.templateName || blockPreset.value;
return {
label: (show_template ? '{{' + templateName + '}}: ' : '') + blockPreset.label,
value: blockPreset.value,
data: [{
name: 'template-name',
value: templateName
selected: !!blockPreset.selected,
disabled: !!blockPreset.disabled
if (list.length) {
return {
label: blockGroup.label,
list: list
வரி 893 ⟶ 1,444:
Twinkle.block.callback.change_preset = function twinkleblockCallbackChangePreset(e) {
var key = e.target.form.preset.value;
if (!key) {
e.target.form.template.value = Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[key].templateName || key;
வரி 907 ⟶ 1,460:
Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(expiry.parentNode, false);
expiry.value = e.target.value;
Twinkle.block.seeAlsos = [];
Twinkle.block.callback.toggle_see_alsos = function twinkleblockCallbackToggleSeeAlso() {
var reason = this.form.reason.value.replace(
new RegExp('( <!--|;) ' + 'see also ' + Twinkle.block.seeAlsos.join(' and ') + '( -->)?'), ''
Twinkle.block.seeAlsos = Twinkle.block.seeAlsos.filter(function(el) {
return el !== this.value;
if (this.checked) {
var seeAlsoMessage = Twinkle.block.seeAlsos.join(' and ');
if (!Twinkle.block.seeAlsos.length) {
this.form.reason.value = reason;
} else if (reason.indexOf('{{') !== -1) {
this.form.reason.value = reason + ' <!-- see also ' + seeAlsoMessage + ' -->';
} else {
this.form.reason.value = reason + '; see also ' + seeAlsoMessage;
Twinkle.block.dsReason = '';
Twinkle.block.callback.toggle_ds_reason = function twinkleblockCallbackToggleDSReason() {
var reason = this.form.reason.value.replace(
new RegExp(' ?\\(\\[\\[' + Twinkle.block.dsReason + '\\]\\]\\)'), ''
Twinkle.block.dsReason = Twinkle.block.dsinfo[this.options[this.selectedIndex].label].page;
if (!this.value) {
this.form.reason.value = reason;
} else {
this.form.reason.value = reason + ' ([[' + Twinkle.block.dsReason + ']])';
வரி 935 ⟶ 1,526:
// disable autoblock if blocking a bot
if (Twinkle.block.isRegistereduserIsBot &&|| relevantUserName.search(/bot$\b/i.test(relevantUserName) > 0) {
data.autoblock = false;
$(form).find('[name=field_block_options]').find(':checkbox').each(function(i, el) {
// don't override original options if useInitialOptions is set
if (data.useInitialOptions && data[el.name] === undefined) {
var check = data[el.name] === '' || !!data[el.name];
வரி 951 ⟶ 1,544:
} else {
form.reason.value = data.reason || '';
// Clear and/or set any partial page or namespace restrictions
if (form.pagerestrictions) {
var $pageSelect = $(form).find('[name=pagerestrictions]');
var $namespaceSelect = $(form).find('[name=namespacerestrictions]');
// Respect useInitialOptions by clearing data when switching presets
// In practice, this will always clear, since no partial presets use it
if (!data.useInitialOptions) {
// Add any preset options; in practice, just used for prior block settings
if (data.restrictions) {
if (data.restrictions.pages && !$pageSelect.val().length) {
var pages = data.restrictions.pages.map(function(pr) {
return pr.title;
// since page restrictions use an ajax source, we
// short-circuit that and just add a new option
pages.forEach(function(page) {
if (!$pageSelect.find("option[value='" + $.escapeSelector(page) + "']").length) {
var newOption = new Option(page, page, true, true);
if (data.restrictions.namespaces) {
வரி 957 ⟶ 1,584:
var form = e.target.form, value = form.template.value, settings = Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[value];
ifvar blockBox = (!$(form).find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked')) {;
var partialBox = $(form).find('[name=actiontype][value=partial]').is(':checked');
var templateBox = $(form).find('[name=actiontype][value=template]').is(':checked');
// Block form is not present
if (!blockBox) {
if (settings.indefinite || settings.nonstandard) {
if (Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry === null) {
வரி 963 ⟶ 1,595:
form.template_expiry.parentNode.style.display = 'none';
form.template_expiry.value = 'indefiniteinfinity';
} else if ( form.template_expiry.parentNode.style.display === 'none' ) {
if (Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry !== null) {
form.template_expiry.value = Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry;
Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry = null;
வரி 971 ⟶ 1,603:
form.template_expiry.parentNode.style.display = 'block';
if (Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry) {
form.expiry.value = Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry;
Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.notalk.parentNode, !settings.nonstandard);
// Partial
} else {
Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.noemail_template.parentNode, partialBox);
Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.nocreate_template.parentNode, partialBox);
} else if (templateBox) { // Only present if block && template forms both visible
வரி 980 ⟶ 1,617:
Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.articledstopic.parentNode, !!settings.pageParamvalue === 'uw-aeblock' || value === 'uw-aepblock');
Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.block_reason.parentNode, !!settings.reasonParam);
// Only particularly relevant if template form is present
Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.article.parentNode, settings && !!settings.pageParam);
Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.block_reason.parentNode, settings && !!settings.reasonParam);
// Partial block
Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.area.parentNode, partialBox && !blockBox);
Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry = null;
Twinkle.block.prev_block_reason = null;
Twinkle.block.prev_article = null;
Twinkle.block.prev_reason = null;
Twinkle.block.callback.preview = function twinkleblockcallbackPreview(form) {
வரி 997 ⟶ 1,637:
expiry: form.template_expiry ? form.template_expiry.value : form.expiry.value,
hardblock: Twinkle.block.isRegistered ? form.autoblock.checked : form.hardblock.checked,
indefinite: (/indef|infinity|never|\*|max/)Morebits.string.testisInfinity( form.template_expiry ? form.template_expiry.value : form.expiry.value ),
reason: form.block_reason.value,
template: form.template.value,
dstopic: form.dstopic.value,
partial: $(form).find('[name=actiontype][value=partial]').is(':checked'),
pagerestrictions: $(form.pagerestrictions).val() || [],
namespacerestrictions: $(form.namespacerestrictions).val() || [],
noemail: form.noemail.checked || (form.noemail_template ? form.noemail_template.checked : false),
nocreate: form.nocreate.checked || (form.nocreate_template ? form.nocreate_template.checked : false),
area: form.area.value
var templateText = Twinkle.block.callback.getBlockNoticeWikitext(params);
form.previewer.beginRender(templateText, 'User_talk:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName')); // Force wikitext/correct username
வரி 1,011 ⟶ 1,658:
toBlock = $form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked'),
toWarn = $form.find('[name=actiontype][value=template]').is(':checked'),
toPartial = $form.find('[name=actiontype][value=partial]').is(':checked'),
blockoptions = {}, templateoptions = {};
வரி 1,019 ⟶ 1,667:
templateoptions = Twinkle.block.field_template_options;
templateoptions.disabletalk = !!(templateoptions.disabletalk || blockoptions.disabletalk);
templateoptions.hardblock = !!blockoptions.hardblock;
delete blockoptions.expiry_preset; // remove extraneous
// Partial API requires this to be gone, not false or 0
if (toPartial) {
blockoptions.partial = templateoptions.partial = true;
templateoptions.pagerestrictions = $form.find('[name=pagerestrictions]').val() || [];
templateoptions.namespacerestrictions = $form.find('[name=namespacerestrictions]').val() || [];
// Format for API here rather than in saveFieldset
blockoptions.pagerestrictions = templateoptions.pagerestrictions.join('|');
blockoptions.namespacerestrictions = templateoptions.namespacerestrictions.join('|');
// use block settings as warn options where not supplied
வரி 1,028 ⟶ 1,687:
if (toBlock) {
if (!blockoptions.expirypartial) return alert('Please provide an expiry!');{
if (!blockoptions.reason)disabletalk return&& alertblockoptions.namespacerestrictions.indexOf('Please3') provide=== a reason for the block!'-1); {
return alert('Partial blocks cannot prevent talk page access unless also restricting them from editing User talk space!');
if (!blockoptions.namespacerestrictions && !blockoptions.pagerestrictions) {
if (!blockoptions.noemail && !blockoptions.nocreate) { // Blank entries technically allowed [[phab:T208645]]
return alert('No pages or namespaces were selected, nor were email or account creation restrictions applied; please select at least one option to apply a partial block!');
} else if ((templateoptions.template !== 'uw-epblock' || $form.find('select[name="preset"]').val() !== 'uw-epblock') &&
// Don't require confirmation if email harassment defaults are set
!confirm('You are about to block with no restrictions on page or namespace editing, are you sure you want to proceed?')) {
if (!blockoptions.expiry) {
return alert('Please provide an expiry!');
} else if (Morebits.string.isInfinity(blockoptions.expiry) && !Twinkle.block.isRegistered) {
return alert("Can't indefinitely block an IP address!");
if (!blockoptions.reason) {
return alert('Please provide a reason for the block!');
Morebits.simpleWindow.setButtonsEnabled( false );
Morebits.status.init( e.target );
var statusElement = new Morebits.status('Executing block');
blockoptions.action = 'block';
வரி 1,041 ⟶ 1,720:
blockoptions.allowusertalk = blockoptions.disabletalk ? undefined : true;
// fix for bug with block API, see [[phab:T68646]]
Check if block status changed while processing the form.
if (blockoptions.expiry === 'infinity') blockoptions.expiry = 'infinite';
There's a lot to consider here. list=blocks provides the
// execute block
current block status, but there are at least two issues with
api.getToken('block').then(function(token) {
relying on it. First, the id doesn't update on a reblock,
meaning the individual parameters need to be compared. This
blockoptions.token = token;
can be done roughly with JSON.stringify - we can thankfully
var mbApi = new Morebits.wiki.api( 'Executing block', blockoptions, function(data) {
rely on order from the server, although sorting would be
fine if not - but falsey values are problematic and is
non-ideal. More importantly, list=blocks won't indicate if a
non-blocked user is blocked then unblocked. This should be
exceedingy rare, but regardless, we thus need to check
list=logevents, which has a nicely updating logid
parameter. We can't rely just on that, though, since it
doesn't account for blocks that have expired on their own.
As such, we use both. Using some ternaries, the logid
variables are false if there's no logevents, so if they
aren't equal we defintely have a changed entry (send
confirmation). If they are equal, then either the user was
never blocked (the block statuses will be equal, no
confirmation) or there's no new block, in which case either
a block expired (different statuses, confirmation) or the
same block is still active (same status, no confirmation).
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
list: 'blocks|logevents',
letype: 'block',
lelimit: 1,
letitle: 'User:' + blockoptions.user,
bkusers: blockoptions.user
}).then(function(data) {
var block = data.query.blocks[0];
var logevents = data.query.logevents[0];
var logid = data.query.logevents.length ? logevents.logid : false;
if (logid !== Twinkle.block.blockLogId || !!block !== !!Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo) {
var message = 'The block status of ' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') + ' has changed. ';
if (block) {
message += 'New status: ';
} else {
message += 'Last entry: ';
var logExpiry = '';
if (logevents.params.duration) {
if (logevents.params.duration === 'infinity') {
logExpiry = 'indefinitely';
} else {
var expiryDate = new Morebits.date(logevents.params.expiry);
logExpiry += (expiryDate.isBefore(new Date()) ? ', expired ' : ' until ') + expiryDate.calendar();
} else { // no duration, action=unblock, just show timestamp
logExpiry = ' ' + new Morebits.date(logevents.timestamp).calendar();
message += Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(logevents.action) + 'ed by ' + logevents.user + logExpiry +
' for "' + logevents.comment + '". Do you want to override with your settings?';
if (!confirm(message)) {
Morebits.status.info('Executing block', 'Canceled by user');
blockoptions.reblock = 1; // Writing over a block will fail otherwise
// execute block
blockoptions.tags = Twinkle.changeTags;
blockoptions.token = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken');
var mbApi = new Morebits.wiki.api('Executing block', blockoptions, function() {
if (toWarn) {
}, function() {
statusElement.error('Unable to fetch block token');
} else if (toWarn) {
Morebits.simpleWindow.setButtonsEnabled( false );
Morebits.status.init( e.target );
} else {
வரி 1,072 ⟶ 1,815:
messageData: Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[formData.template],
reason: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.block_reason,
disabletalk: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.notalk,
noemail: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.noemail_template,
nocreate: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.nocreate_template
வரி 1,078 ⟶ 1,823:
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = 'Actions complete, loading user talk page in a few seconds';
var wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page( userTalkPage, 'User talk page modification' );
wikipedia_page.setCallbackParameters( params );
wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirectload( true Twinkle.block.callback.main);
wikipedia_page.load( Twinkle.block.callback.main );
Twinkle.block.callback.getBlockNoticeWikitext = function(params) {
var text = '{{', settings = Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[params.template];
if (!settings.nonstandard) {
text += 'subst:' + params.template;
if (params.article && settings.pageParam) {
text += '|page=' + params.article;
if (params.dstopic) {
text += '|topic=' + params.dstopic;
if (!/te?mp|^\s*$|min/.exec(params.expiry)) {
if (params.indefinite) {
text += '|indef=yes';
} else if (!params.blank_duration && !new Morebits.date(params.expiry).isValid()) {
// Block template wants a duration, not date
text += '|time=' + params.expiry;
வரி 1,103 ⟶ 1,852:
if (params.reason) {
text += '|reason=' + params.reason;
if (params.disabletalk) text += '|notalk=yes';
if (params.disabletalk) {
text += '|notalk=yes';
// Currently, all partial block templates are "standard"
// Building the template, however, takes a fair bit of logic
if (params.partial) {
if (params.pagerestrictions.length || params.namespacerestrictions.length) {
var makeSentence = function (array) {
if (array.length < 3) {
return array.join(' and ');
var last = array.pop();
return array.join(', ') + ', and ' + last;
text += '|area=' + (params.indefinite ? 'certain ' : 'from certain ');
if (params.pagerestrictions.length) {
text += 'pages (' + makeSentence(params.pagerestrictions.map(function(p) {
return '[[:' + p + ']]';
text += params.namespacerestrictions.length ? ') and certain ' : ')';
if (params.namespacerestrictions.length) {
// 1 => Talk, 2 => User, etc.
var namespaceNames = params.namespacerestrictions.map(function(id) {
return menuFormattedNamespaces[id];
text += '[[Wikipedia:Namespace|namespaces]] (' + makeSentence(namespaceNames) + ')';
} else if (params.area) {
text += '|area=' + params.area;
} else {
if (params.noemail) {
text += '|email=yes';
if (params.nocreate) {
text += '|accountcreate=yes';
} else {
text += params.template;
if (settings.sig) {
text += '|sig=' + settings.sig;
return text + '}}';
Twinkle.block.callback.main = function twinkleblockcallbackMain( pageobj ) {
var textparams = pageobj.getPageTextgetCallbackParameters(),
paramsdate = new Morebits.date(pageobj.getCallbackParametersgetLoadTime()),
messageData = params.messageData,
date = new Date();
params.indefinite = Morebits.string.isInfinity(params.expiry);
var dateHeaderRegex = new RegExp( '^==+\\s*(?:' + date.getUTCMonthName() + '|' + date.getUTCMonthNameAbbrev() +
')\\s+' + date.getUTCFullYear() + '\\s*==+', 'mg' );
var dateHeaderRegexLast, dateHeaderRegexResult;
while ((dateHeaderRegexLast = dateHeaderRegex.exec( text )) !== null) {
dateHeaderRegexResult = dateHeaderRegexLast;
// If dateHeaderRegexResult is null then lastHeaderIndex is never checked. If it is not null but
// \n== is not found, then the date header must be at the very start of the page. lastIndexOf
// returns -1 in this case, so lastHeaderIndex gets set to 0 as desired.
var lastHeaderIndex = text.lastIndexOf( '\n==' ) + 1;
if (Twinkle.getPref('blankTalkpageOnIndefBlock') && params.template !== 'uw-lblock' && params.indefinite) {
if ( text.length > 0 ) {
Morebits.status.info('Info', 'Blanking talk page per preferences and creating a new talk page section for this month');
text += '\n\n';
text = date.monthHeader() + '\n';
} else {
text = pageobj.getPageText();
var dateHeaderRegex = date.monthHeaderRegex(), dateHeaderRegexLast, dateHeaderRegexResult;
params.indefinite = (/indef|infinity|never|\*|max/).test( params.expiry );
while ((dateHeaderRegexLast = dateHeaderRegex.exec(text)) !== null) {
dateHeaderRegexResult = dateHeaderRegexLast;
// If dateHeaderRegexResult is null then lastHeaderIndex is never checked. If it is not null but
// \n== is not found, then the date header must be at the very start of the page. lastIndexOf
// returns -1 in this case, so lastHeaderIndex gets set to 0 as desired.
var lastHeaderIndex = text.lastIndexOf('\n==') + 1;
if (text.length > 0) {
if ( Twinkle.getPref('blankTalkpageOnIndefBlock') && params.template !== 'uw-lblock' && params.indefinite ) {
text += '\n\n';
Morebits.status.info( 'Info', 'Blanking talk page per preferences and creating a new level 2 heading for the date' );
text = '== ' + date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ==\n';
} else if( !dateHeaderRegexResult || dateHeaderRegexResult.index !== lastHeaderIndex ) {
if (!dateHeaderRegexResult || dateHeaderRegexResult.index !== lastHeaderIndex) {
Morebits.status.info( 'Info', 'Will create a new level 2 heading for the date, as none was found for this month' );
Morebits.status.info('Info', 'Will create a new talk page section for this month, as none was found');
text += '== ' + date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ==\n';
text += date.monthHeader() + '\n';
params.expiry = typeof params.template_expiry !== "'undefined"' ? params.template_expiry : params.expiry;
text += Twinkle.block.callback.getBlockNoticeWikitext(params);
வரி 1,151 ⟶ 1,945:
// build the edit summary
var summary = messageData.summary;
if ( messageData.suppressArticleInSummary !== true && params.article ) {
summary += ' on [[:' + params.article + ']]';
summary += '.' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd');
pageobj.setPageText( text );
pageobj.setEditSummary( summary );
pageobj.setWatchlistsetChangeTags( Twinkle.getPref('watchWarnings') changeTags);
Twinkle.addInitCallback(Twinkle.block, 'block');
// </nowiki>
"https://ta.wikipedia.org/wiki/மீடியாவிக்கி:Gadget-twinkleblock.js" இலிருந்து மீள்விக்கப்பட்டது