முன்னொட்டுச் சுட்டி
- Age
- Age-ymwd
- Age/doc
- Age at date
- Age for infant
- Age in days
- Age in months, weeks and days/display
- Age in sols
- Age in weeks
- Age in years
- Age in years, months, weeks and days
- Age in years, months, weeks and days/doc
- Age in years, months, weeks and days/sandbox
- Age in years, months, weeks and days/testcases
- Age in years, months and days
- Age in years, months and days/display
- Age in years and days
- Age in years and days/days
- Age in years and days/years
- Age in years and days nts
- Age in years and months
- Age switch
- Agent
- Agents against amoebozoa