பேச்சு:மலேசியா எயர்லைன்சு விமானம் 17
ஏவுகணைத் தாக்குதலுக்கு உள்ளாகி விமானம் விழுந்து நொறுங்கிய ஒரு நேர்வு (incident), விபத்து எனும் பகுப்பில் அடங்குமா என்பது எனக்கு ஐயமாக உள்ளது; கவனிக்க வேண்டுகிறேன். --மா. செல்வசிவகுருநாதன் (பேச்சு) 18:21, 21 சூலை 2014 (UTC)
- ஏவுகணைத் தாக்குதலுக்குள்ளானது என இன்னும் 100 வீதம் உறுதிப்படுத்தப்படவில்லை. ஆனாலும், மலேசிய விமானத்தைப் பொறுத்த வரை அது ஒரு விபத்துத் தான். அந்த நேரத்தில் அங்கு இருந்தது ஒரு விபத்துத் தான். இரு பகுப்புகளுக்குள்ளும் இருப்பதே நல்லது. அல்லது ஆங்கில விக்கியில் இருப்பது போல Aviation accidents and incidents போன்ற புதிய பகுப்பை உருவாக்க வேண்டும்.--Kanags \உரையாடுக 08:01, 24 சூலை 2014 (UTC)
- விருப்பம்-- mohamed ijazz(பேச்சு) 10:08, 24 சூலை 2014 (UTC)
ஏற்றுகொள்கிறேன்! --மா. செல்வசிவகுருநாதன் (பேச்சு) 03:11, 2 ஆகத்து 2014 (UTC)
Note about MH17 preliminary report
தொகு- Here are archives of the preliminary report files:
- In English page 6 of 34: "This report is published in the Dutch and English languages. If there is a difference in interpretation between the Dutch and English versions, the English text will prevail."
- In Dutch page 5 of 35: "Dit rapport is zowel in het Nederlands als in het Engels verschenen. Indien er verschil bestaat in de interpretatie van het Nederlandse en Engelse rapport, is het Engelse rapport leidend."
Whenever there is a difference between the English and Dutch versions, use the English version as the source WhisperToMe (பேச்சு) 09:58, 9 செப்டம்பர் 2014 (UTC)
Archived material from the DSB
தொகுLadies and gentlemen,
I have mass-archived primary source material from the Dutch Safety Board about the MH17 crash. I have done so to keep the materials available for future generations of Wikipedia editors and for the international public.
I apologize for making this post in English, but I am not fluent in any other languages.
I will post this list to the MH17 talk pages of the following language edition Wikipedias: English, Ukrainian, Russian, Dutch, Malay, Mandarin Chinese, and Tamil.
- English is the international auxiliary language
- Ukrainian and Russian are the languages of the location of the crash: Hrabove (Grabovo), Ukraine - These documents are also helpful for readers based in the Russian Federation
- Dutch is the language of the flight's origin (Amsterdam) and of most of the passengers
- Malay is the official language of Malaysia (the country of the airline, Malaysia Airlines), as well as the primary language of the destination (Kuala Lumpur). Along with Malay and English, Mandarin Chinese and Tamil are Malaysia's other significant languages as they are used by the country's Chinese and Indian minorities.
Material in English:
- Final report: http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/report-mh17-crash-en.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXhujEUQ
- On page 3/279 the report says "If there is a difference in interpretation between the English and Dutch versions, the English text will prevail." (emphasis mine) - In consideration of this text, on all language Wikipedia editions, please use the English version of the text in case of any difference between it and the Dutch version
- Report appendices:
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/appendices-au-mh17-crash-en.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXjFQjmz
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/appendix-v-consultation-part-a.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXjHnV6i
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/appendix-w-consultation-part-b.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXjf0BGo
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/appendix-x-nlr-report-en.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXjiEtv8
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/appendix-y-tno-report-en.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXjxHsbn
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/appendix-z-tno-report-en.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXkDtNh1
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/brochure-mh17-crash-en.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXiqttSC
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/report-mh17-passengerinformation-en.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXkfu4tj
- Note: p. 3/98 says: "NB: This report is published in the Dutch and English languages. If there is a difference in interpretation between the Dutch and English versions, the Dutch text will prevail." - However the Dutch version says that the English version is to be preferred in case of differences between the two
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/appendix-b-passengerinformation.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXkn3YM5
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/brochure-mh17-passengerinformation-en.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXlBpphd
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/report-mh17-abouttheinvestigation-en.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXlH0O3K
- Videos:
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/movies/video01-crashmh17-en.mp4 (unable to be archived on webcitation, but is available on the Internet Archive) - http://wayback.archive.org/*/http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/movies/video01-crashmh17-en.mp4
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/movies/video02-causes-en.mp4 - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXmhsvmB
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/movies/video03-flyingconflictzones-en.mp4 - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXmZ7RPc
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/movies/video04-reconstrucion-en.mp4 - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXmqT5Q3
- DSB index page: http://www.onderzoeksraad.nl/ - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXhy9Fqc
- Press release: http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/pressrelease-mh17-en.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXiHwItV
Material in Dutch:
- Final report (Dutch version): http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/rapport-mh17-crash-nl.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXn6vVbI
- p. 3/297 states: "N.B. Dit rapport is zowel in het Engels als in het Nederlands verschenen. Indien er verschil bestaat in de interpretatie van het Nederlandse en Engelse rapport, is het Engelse rapport leidend." - The Dutch report also says that the text in English prevails if there is any difference between the English and Dutch versions
- Appendices:
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/bijlagen-au-mh17-crash-nl.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXpKAr40
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/bijlage-v-inzage-deel-a.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXpPFMox
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/bijlage-w-inzage-deel-b.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXpaXzar
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/bijlage-x-nlr-rapport-nl.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXpbL3Uk
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/bijlage-y-tno-rapport-nl.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXqXyzZZ
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/bijlage-z-tno-rapport-nl.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXqkiMri
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/publieksversie-mh17-crash-nl.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXrxZea5
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/rapport-mh17-passagiersinformatie-nl.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXsOQFW7
- Note: p. 3/102 says: "N.B. Dit rapport is zowel in het Engels als in het Nederlands verschenen. Indien er verschil bestaat in de interpretatie van het Engelse en Nederlandse rapport, is het Engelse rapport leidend." - However the English report says the Dutch report has supremacy
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/bijlage-b-passagiersinformatie-nl.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXsSoJWT
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/publieksversie-mh17-passagiersinformatie-nl.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXsVEHzq
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/rapport-mh17-onderzoeksverantwoording-nl.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXsXm9go
- Videos:
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/movies/video01-crashmh17-nl.mp4 - Too large to be on webcitation, but archived at http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/movies/video01-crashmh17-nl.mp4
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/movies/video02-oorzaken-nl.mp4 - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXtGQxX6
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/movies/video03-vliegenconflictgebieden-nl.mp4 - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXtOLo8E
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/movies/video04-reconstructie-nl.mp4 - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXtWAUTA
- DSB index page: http://www.onderzoeksraad.nl/nl.html - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXiElxCS
- Press release: http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/persbericht-mh17-nl.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXmyOrHW
Material in Russian:
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/brochure-mh17-crash-ru.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXiyINZu
- Video in English with Russian subtitles: http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/movies/video01-crashmh17-ru.mp4 (unable to be archived on webcitation, but is available on the Internet Archive) http://wayback.archive.org/*/http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/movies/video01-crashmh17-ru.mp4
Material in Ukrainian:
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/brochure-mh17-crash-uk.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXj2Cf5Q
- Video in English with Ukrainian subtitles: http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/movies/video01-crashmh17-ukr.mp4 (unable to be archived on webcitation, but is available on the Internet Archive) http://wayback.archive.org/*/http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/movies/video01-crashmh17-ukr.mp4
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/fig01-reconstructie.jpg - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXtnrh6t
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/fig02-reconstructie.jpg - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXtqR6pe
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/fig03-reconstructie.jpg - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXtuJT3v
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/fig04-reconstructie.jpg - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXtwunkT
- figure 5
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/fig06-crash-fig19.jpg - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXu8whkV
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/fig07-crash-fig33.jpg - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXuGMJkz
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/fig08-crash-fig37.jpg - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXuKukSh
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/fig09-crash-fig45.jpg - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXubYED0
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/fig10-crash-fig48.jpg - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXudtQxC
- figure 11
- http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/fig-12.jpg - http://www.webcitation.org/6cXulMtVS
As far as I know, no material from the DSB has been published in the other languages of Malaysia (Malay, Chinese, or Tamil). WhisperToMe (பேச்சு) 16:00, 25 அக்டோபர் 2015 (UTC)